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Quepos / Manuel Antonio - Fundiving Extended

Quepos / Manuel Antonio - Fundiving Extended

Pris fra {{totalPrice}} DKK
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Ekstra udgifter på rejsen Training materials for diving courses - $80 to $220 (Local prices are subject to change without prior notice)
Prisen er en fra-pris, og afhænger af afrejsetidspunkt. Se den nøjagtige pris, når du vælger hvilken dato du vil af sted. Flybilletter er ikke inkluderet, men vi hjælper dig selvfølgelig gerne med at finde de bedste og mest fleksible billetter.
Hvad er inkluderet?
Pris fra 5474 DKK
Prisen er en fra-pris, og afhænger af afrejsetidspunkt. Se den nøjagtige pris, når du vælger hvilken dato du vil af sted. Flybilletter er ikke inkluderet, men vi hjælper dig selvfølgelig gerne med at finde de bedste og mest fleksible billetter.
Hvad er inkluderet?
5 dage
Manuel Antonio
Slutter i
Manuel Antonio
On land, Manuel Antonio is the second most visited national park in Costa Rica, the diversity of animals and vegetation in this volcanic jungle park is famous worldwide. Imagine how the lava was flowing thousands of years ago, from the land and into the ocean, creating reefs and hideouts for all the marine life too. Below the surface, the marine park continues its beauty and amazing thriving life.

The beauty of the reef here is not the corals growing in it, but the topography of the old lava flow. Big boulders, underwater mazes and dramatic walls are what you will be surrounded by. Take these incredible formations and add a healthy marine life to it such as most common reef fish, some funky octopus and a good variety of eels and crustaceans. For the larger pelagic, you might get lucky with anything from reef sharks, rays, sea turtles, dolphins and in season the majestic humpback whales and manta rays (Dec - April).

Surrounded by rainforest filled with monkeys and exotic birds, Puerto Quepos drapes itself across a tropical inlet surrounded by primary rainforest. The village center is a colorful six-block square of restaurants, bars, hotels, bakeries, and art galleries all fronted by the main beach and harbor. Even though Quepos is well visited and growing, it maintains many of its sleepy and humble beginnings.
On the day of arrival you will be greeted in the dynamic dive shop by friendly staff, fill in the paperwork and have a chance to say hello. The next morning the crew will pack your equipment so for now you can check in at your hotel and relax. The following days will consist of 2 dives a day with snacks and drinks served during the surface interval. There will be no refund on dives not used. Check out on the last day at lunch.

The longer option with 8 dives spread out on 4 days of diving and 1 day of rest to settle in and get your bearings. 4 nights of accommodation included. The dive sites will vary depending on weather and experience level.

Quepos / Manuel Antonio - Fundiving Extended


What’s included?

Ekstra udgifter på rejsen
Training materials for diving courses - $80 to $220 (Local prices are subject to change without prior notice)


8 dives


Your accommodation
Hostel Plinio is a autenthic place for travelers located a short 10 minute walk up the hill from Quepos town. It is the perfect place for like minded travelers to meet and exchange stories in the hammocks, sunbathe by the pool or relax in one of the many communal areas. With a communal kitchen, dining room and TV room it is a quiet piece of tropical paradise with a stunning view. You'll find Wifi, boardgames, a bar, a small restaurant, luggage storage and guarded overnight parking and great porches with... we said it already... great views!

Private room with fan (no A/C) and shared bathroom.
You can upgrade to a private room with A/C and private bathroom in the booking process.

Local transport

There are several options to get from San Jose to Quepos; Drive, Public Bus, Private Shuttle or flight. (see brochure for more info)

Please make sure you do not travel above 300 meters within 18 hours after your last dive! Traveling from Quepos to San Jose is not possible on the last day of any diving package, please book an extra night to allow sufficient time if you are traveling to San Jose or other destinations at altitude.


No meals included

Quepos / Manuel Antonio - Fundiving Extended

Pris fra {{totalPrice}} DKK
Prisen er en fra-pris, og afhænger af afrejsetidspunkt. Se den nøjagtige pris, når du vælger hvilken dato du vil af sted. Flybilletter er ikke inkluderet, men vi hjælper dig selvfølgelig gerne med at finde de bedste og mest fleksible billetter.
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